© Michael Woodman 2020

Tiny Steps in Giant Footprints

These days, they don’t make victims like they used to. So says Cass in Collecting Cass, my 21st century reimagining of the classic themes in John Fowles fabled yarn, The Collector.

A Saint, a Butcher, and a Mother’s Pain

Storytellers depend on imagination and inspiration, but it’s often an experience that sparks a story into life.

Divine Deliverance

The day Donald dodged that bullet, so did I. If it had veered an inch to the right, Trumpaholics would still be in RIP-Donald country. But I’d be mourning too, bemoaning the death of a book I invested a lot of laughter in.

Getting the Fight Right

When you’re in the vigilante business, fights are inevitable, and CJ often gets into situations where the only way out is to lay out some guy on his back.


A Thriller Writer's Bio

Michael was a thriller-writing sensation in his teens, signing multi-book deals with major publishers.


By the age of 21, his spy novels were on the bestseller shelf in bookstores on both sides of the Atlantic, but Michael was different from the other names on that shelf. He was a kid. He’d never been anywhere or done anything, and he wanted a thriller-writer’s bio like those big boys. So he quit writing wild adventures set in far-off places and he lived them instead. Now that bio is complete, he’s back at the keyboard with a new character for a new age.


Michael lives in Spain with his wife Elizabeth, and when he’s not writing his next thriller, he blogs about his life of adventure.


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